This template can be used for shared note-taking and information exchange in HackMD during the book dash events. The access permission can be set so that the notes can be read by everyone and edited by any signed-in users.
# Book Dash, DD Month YYYY - Day 1 <-- create one for each day
###### tags: `bookdash YYYY` `month` `event`
==If you are new to HackMD, please see this short guide: [\@turingway/hackmd-guide](\@turingway/hackmd-guide)==
- **Location:** Online/in-person
- **Date:** DD Month YYYY
- **Document with all links:** (provide link to the index page) <--- update this
**Development sessions**
Cuckoo clock:
Each day we will hold 3 development sessions and an one themed discussion/networking session where you can interact with others, continue your discussion outside development session or take a break as it's most sustainable and helpful for your participation.
Each development session will follow the Pomodoro technique that we also use for our coworking calls. We will use [browser-based shared (cuckoo) clock]( to manage our time ([Coworking chapter in The Turing Way](
All time provided in London Time (UTC+1). Please use this link to convert in your time zone: convert time: (update DD: date, hh:mm: hours:minutes)
**Use the Pomodoro sessions for comfort breaks as needed**
## Introduction to the event
- Intro to Turing Way book dash day :books:
- GitHub resources and managing your contributions
- An onboarding breakout room for new members and people who need refresher in GitHub
- Feel free to propose breakout rooms if you have already identified your groups (topic, language, discussions)
- Please use this HackMD as extensively as needed
## Groupings for breakout rooms based on the topics of interest:
> Feel free to move between the breakout rooms!
**Room 1 (Reproducibility):** (add name)
**Room 2 (Ethics):** (add name)
**Room 3 (Communication):** (add name)
**Room 4 (Project Design):** (add name)
**Room 5 (Infrastructure):** (add name)
**Room 6 (Individual Room)**
:one: Day 1: DD Month YYYY
### :wave: Sign up
*Please add your name to this list, but remember that this is a public document, so use a pseudonym if you'd prefer, or just feel free to leave your name off.*
*Name (pronouns - optional) / Institute / X, GitHub / icebreaker: What song/music/artist/album puts you in a good mood!* :musical_score:
### :books: Turing Way and Book Dash
* Intro to The Turing Way & the Book Dash: (Link to intro slides) <---
* Predash drop-in calls: (Link to the shared notes) <---
* Project repository on GitHub:
* Book is hosted online at:
* Join Slack channel: An email will be sent to you
* Join the [mailing list to receive newsletter](
* Follow on X: [\@turingway](
### :busts_in_silhouette::speech_balloon: Planning your contributions: breakout (10 minutes)
*In groups of 3 explore and discuss about what you'd like to see in this book, or how you can contribute.* :sparkles: :space_invader: :rocket: :star2:
You can use your SMART goals to guide your discussions <-- provide link to the onboarding call's notes
*List what you are working on below! Include your GitHub username, one sentence description and links to relevant issues and pull requests.*
### :dart: Your goals for the book dash <--- used for only day-1
_Share your ideas for contributions and collaboration during the book dash_
*Name: goals/plans/ideas*
### Names are added as per your registration form
* Check here if you not sure which session you planned to join (you can change sessions too!): (provide link to the index page) <--- update this
* Zoom will stay open during the breaks for networking
#### Development session (time block 1)
| Time | Suggested agenda |
| ------------- | ------------------------------:|
| 07:45 - 08:00 | Zoom room opens, coffee chats |
| 08:00 - 08:15 | Kick-off, check-ins |
| 08:15 - 09:05 | Onboarding and resource - preparing for the Book Dash |
| 09:05 - 09:15 | Quick report out |
| 09:15 - 09:50 | Second Pomodoro :tomato: |
| 09:50 - 10:00 | Quick report out |
| 10:00 - 10:30 | Troubleshoot, mentored-work |
*Notes from Development session (time block 1)*
*Report Out*
#### Themed Discussion and networking Session (time block 2) <-- this block may change the order for different days
==11:00 - 13:30: Themed Discussion and Networking==: Visual communication and illustrations
| Time | Suggested agenda |
| ------------- | --------------------------------:|
| 11:00 - 11:30 | Introduction, coffee chats |
| 11:30 - 12:20 | Discussion+breakout: Visualisations in the Turing Way |
| 12:20 - 12:30 | Wrap-up, coffee chat |
*Themes for discussion session is to be confirmed*
*Notes and reflection from discussion and networking session*
**Prompts for reflections and discussions**
#### Development session (time block 3)
| Time | Suggested agenda |
| ------------- | ---------------------------:|
| 14:00 - 14:15 | Kick-off, check-ins |
| 14:15 - 15:05 | Onboarding and resource - no talk |
| 15:05 - 15:15 | Quick report out |
| 15:15 - 15:50 | Second Pomodoro :tomato: |
| 15:50 - 16:00 | Quick report out |
| 16:00 - 16:30 | Troubleshoot, mentored-work |
*Notes from Development session (time block 3)*
*Report Out*
#### Development session (time block 4)
| Time | Suggested agenda |
| ------------- | ------------------------------:|
| 17:00 - 17:15 | Kick-off, check-ins |
| 17:15 - 18:05 | Onboarding and resource - preparing for the Book Dash |
| 18:00 - 18:45 | Second Pomodoro :tomato: |
| 18:45 - 18:55 | Quick report out |
| 19:00 - 19:30 | Troubleshoot, mentored-work |
*Notes from Development session (time block 4)*
*Report Out*