Participant Selection Process#

This subchapter explains the process of selection and logistics for organising the Book Dash.

Selection of Book Dash Planning Committee#

To ensure that the Book Dash continues to evolve as per the community needs and preferences, invite returning members of the Book Dash events to join a planning committee. Members of the Book Dash planning committee participate in the planning meetings, provide feedback on the ongoing process and when possible take the lead on organisation tasks related to the Book Dash.

These tasks include completing one or more of the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Planning Meetings: attend a planning meeting to help select a date, agree on the format and share any feedback on the previous event that can help plan the Book Dash (time commitment: up to 30-60 minutes in the months leading to the Book Dash)

  • Application Review: review 3-6 applications based on your availability (time commitment: up to 30-60 minutes, based on your availability)

  • Selection meeting: participate in the selection meeting to help ensure that the selection is equitable (time commitment: 60 minutes)

  • Organisation meeting: attend 1 call to finalise the logistics for the organisation (program agenda and participant support will be carried out by The Turing Way core members) (time commitment: 1 hour)

  • Onboarding calls: Lead one of the onboarding calls (time commitment: 1 hour)

  • GitHub introduction session: Lead the introduction session (time commitment: 1.5 hours)

  • Session host: Lead at least one of the sessions during the Book Dash week itself, based on availability (2.5 hour-long sessions)

  • Debrief meeting: attend a meeting after the event to discuss what went well and what we can improve going forward (time commitment: 1 hour)

  • Shared Documents: set up or review shared notes, application form, review rubrics or other required documents for the Book Dash (time commitment: relative to the type of document)

  • Post-event Documents: ensure the update of contributors file, help document the event report and update the Book Dash chapter online

The invitation to join the planning committee is sent by the core team members based on the applications sent by returning members of the Book Dash expressing their interest in mentoring. This is a volunteer position and there are no expectations of commitment to do multiple tasks described above.

Selection of Book Dash participants#

The Book Dash Planning Committee meets after they have individually scored the applications using the rubrics defined in the previous subchapter. They agree upon a final set of applicants selected to participate in the Book Dash. The panel members also create constructive feedback on the applications that can be shared with the applicants who were not selected so that they can assess other pathways to engage with the project and core team.

All applicants are contacted at least 4 weeks in advance to ensure that they can assess their situation and availability for the Book Dash.

Upon confirmation, they are provided with registration details through which they can share any information that can help them and the organisers prepare for the Book Dash. Participants are asked to get familiarised with The Turing Way GitHub repository where they will make their contributions during the Book Dash. The project’s contributing guidelines and Code of Conduct are also shared with the participants that are applicable to the Book Dash as well.

To further support the participants, pre-event calls are hosted and further details are shared directly by email (discussed in the next subchapter). The names of the selected participants are announced in The Turing Way newsletter and social media platforms upon agreement with the participants.

Additional materials#