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Informed, voluntary and fair consent to participate in a study is very important for any research project that involves human participants. It is through this consent process that research participants can understand what taking part in a specific study will mean for them, and how their data will be handled during the research project. Each person can then choose whether to participate using the consent form. See also the Guide for Ethical Research.

Note that the informed consent form is considered to be personal data and should therefore be handled with the same care as other personal data. Do not store the consent forms where you store the rest of the data you collect; use a separate locked cabinet or an encrypted folder for example.

In case you cannot use a written consent form, try to make a recording of verbal consent.

Consent documentation should include:

The participant information sheet is used to inform participants about the study. The information should be clear and easy to understand and should cover the following:

The consent form is used to verify that the research participant understands and agrees to participate in the study. The consent form should cover the following points at a minimum:

Think ahead and plan how you will:

Additional resources and templates

  1. Meyer, M. (2018). Practical Tips for Ethical Data Sharing. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(1), 131--144. 10.1177/2515245917747656