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A blog is a website that contains informal articles, usually with a central theme. This could be an academic topic such as open science or be used to report the progress of a research project. Blog posts are the articles on the website and they are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first at the top of the web page.

Blog posts are short, informal pieces of writing. They are meant to be written regularly and can be used to build momentum on a particular issue, event or project. In this way, blog posts suit research projects, particularly open projects and communities, because there can be frequent updates of activities and findings to bring greater attention and therefore transparency to your work.

Starting a blog does take some investment as a web platform needs to be built and the blog needs to be frequently updated with new posts. It is therefore best to share the load of this work with your team in some way or plan to get people from outside of your immediate team to write guest posts.

How to Start a Blog

Themes and Audience

The first decision to make is to choose the theme and the audience that you want to target. This will determine the readability level and overall style of your blog.

Planning for Maintenance

It’s always good to make a plan and try to stick to it.

Building a Website

Next, you need to consider where your blog is going to be.

We discuss this in detail in the subchapter Building a Webpage for Blogs.

Writing Your First Post

Often starting a piece of writing is the hardest part, and writing your first blog may seem even harder. Just try to start writing in any way as a messy first draft can always be edited later.

Advertising Your Blog

Get your blog noticed.

Analysing the Impact

Success is very much in the eye of the beholder but there are many methods or metrics that you can use to track the success of your blog.

Keep Writing and Planning