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By healthy leadership, we mean creating an ideal environment that empowers, guides and stewards members of a team within a community, project, or organization where everyone feels safe, welcome, and valued.

Open leadership principles are skills that can be learned and applied by anyone building healthy teams and communities that involve and empower their members, not just reserved for open projects or work happening in the open.

Below we highlight some factors and concepts that contribute to building healthy leadership skills. These are by no means an exhaustive list, or comprehensively described. Please use them to identify what skills you might need to bring into your leadership. We have intentionally avoided giving reading recommendations as those continue to evolve and change, and we instead recommend our readers ask for references within their teams and communities.

Some Important Skills that Leaders Should Build

What Should Leaders Avoid

Address Conflict of Interest with Feedback Process

A conflict of interest is a situation in which the leader (or one of their team members) has a private or personal interest, directly or indirectly, that influences, or appears to influence, the delivery of their duties as a leader, to the detriment or benefit of the team.

If a person participates in several projects or spaces (professional or personal), they will likely have overlapping interests. Based on the nature of their roles in those projects, the nature of their relationship with different project teams (sometimes with overlapping groups of people) will differ. It is the core responsibility of individuals to identify and declare their conflicts of interest proactively. They should make it clear in what capacity or in what role (from the multiple ‘hats’ they wear) they are operating. They should separate the conversations to avoid confusion for people they work with and if needed, they should step away from a situation, transferring the leadership responsibilities to others. It is also important to remember that you may have different levels of power depending on which “hat” you’re wearing - for example, as a friend, you might be entitled to ask someone things about on a personal level that would be inappropriate to ask if you are acting as their manager. In this video, Carol Willing explains how it is critical to abstain from decisions as a leader when you have a conflict of interest.

Learn from mistakes

With great power comes great responsibility

We are all humans and make mistakes. Healthy leadership recognises, accepts and apologizes when they make mistakes.

A good leader owns their mistakes, takes responsibility for the harm caused by their error, rights the wrong, and learns from mistakes going forward.

A substantial component of visible vulnerability will only make leaders better. Genuine vulnerability builds trust.