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Case Study: Data Ethics and Reproducibility Symposium and Data Hazards Workshop

As organisers, we (Ceilidh Welsh and Susana Roman Garcia) wanted to create an event that revolved around the Data Hazards framework. The event focused on showcasing how different people think about embedding ethics into the work that they do. As PhD students, we both felt the need to connect our interest in creating more ethical and reproducible work with our project’s scientific questions. This passion for working more ethically brought us together, and we sought to see how other people are embedding ethics into their work. We hosted talks from PhD students who have been striving to make their work reproducible, how university lecturers might think of implementing Data Hazards into their material, and more (this is available in this GitHub Repository). We were able to connect with others, share knowledge and learn new skills throughout the process. In this chapter, we would like to share with you our experiences, including some of the challenges we faced, and provide tips for people hosting events in the future.


The Data Ethics and Reproducibility (DER) Symposium was a one-day event held at the Alan Turing Institute on March 10th 2023. In total, we had eighteen attendees in person and eighteen attendees online, not including volunteers and hosts. This symposium aimed to showcase implementations of reproducibility and ethics for research, with a focus on Data Hazards. The symposium structure included a variety of speakers, an interactive workshop and networking opportunities.

A central part of this symposium was the Data Hazards Workshop to provide a collaborative training opportunity for attendees. The workshop encourages attendees to explore, discuss and reflect on the ethical implications and wider societal impact of specific data-intensive projects. It was an opportunity for attendees to learn how to use the Data Hazards framework and see how it applies to different research projects. This allowed attendees to appreciate that ethics is complex, situational and important to discuss in our own contexts.

For more detailed information and checklists, please see the Turing Way page for Organising a Conference.

DER Symposium Goals

Primary Goal: to provide an open, inclusive and accessible space for attendees to learn from one another and discuss first-hand experiences applying ethics and reproducibility to their work. we hope to discuss the successes and challenges we might face, and importantly how to consider ethics as more than a tick-box exercise in a research project.

Goals for Event Organisers: To develop our skills in event management and organisation including:

Importantly, we wanted to improve our collaborative, teamwork and networking skills with both volunteers and colleagues to provide a curated and thoughtful event.

Goals for Event Attendees:

Organising the Event

Here we discuss the logistics for organising an event, from setting up and promoting the event on an external platform to collaborating with volunteers and speakers to help successfully run the event on the day.

Creating an Agenda:

The first step was to put together some initial ideas for the agenda. We worked together using Google Docs. We used Google Docs because it allowed us to easily share the documents with other people, and it was easy to access. We made sure that no private or sensitive data was in any publicly shared Google Docs. Our finalised agenda is here. What did this process look like for us?

*To make the event more accessible, it was important for us to make sure there were enough ‘bio breaks’ to allow people to stretch their bodies, use the toilet and take a breather.

Speakers A major part of putting together the agenda was all about picking our speakers. Speakers are what made our symposium come alive, so we were eager to connect with different people to make sure our event had a mix of perspectives.

When looking for speakers we:

Advertising the Event

Choosing a date and gauging interest: Before even asking for funding, we wanted to know if there was enough interest to organise a symposium. So we reached out to our community before beginning to organise the symposium to gauge interest and spread the word. This allowed us to know what other events were going on in The Alan Turing Institute and research field so that we could avoid clashes or busy times of the year.

Eventbrite: After finding an available date for our interested participants, we chose to advertise our event on Eventbrite. At the time of running our event, we could host it for free for 30 participants. However, as of now (November 2023), Eventbrite only allows you to host your event for free with up to 25 participants, then it charges you. Some alternatives you may use could be Humanitix, or eventsforce. Because we were running a hybrid event, we created two event pages (one in-person and one online-only). Eventbrite worked well for us because:

Communications To make sure we kept attendees engaged and up to date, we emailed them before the event to:

This is what a template email could look like:

Dear Participants, Thank you for registering for the (In person) Data Hazards, Ethics and Reproducibility One-Day Symposium, on the 10th March 2023. We hope you are as excited as we are about this symposium!

Checking in: can you still make it? We ask you to please be considerate and kindly let us know in advance if you can no longer make it to the event. This will help us reduce waste when ordering catering as well as help with organizing room numbers. Due to the high demand for this event, we have people on a waiting list, so please cancel your ticket in advance if you cannot make it any more, in order to allow someone else to join instead. Please cancel directly through Eventbrite or by emailing the organisers.

Agenda: Please find the tentative agenda here (add your own link here). It is mostly set up now, please keep your eyes open for the final details in the coming days. We are looking forward to showcasing these wonderful people and talks.

Code of Conduct: We ask all attendees to familiarize themselves with the code of conduct for the event (add your own link here). Please do have a read in your own time in order to allow for an open and welcoming environment among all participants.

How to reach the Alan Turing Institute, Enigma room: Once you arrive at the main Alan Turing Reception area, there will be someone there to greet you and guide you towards the Enigma room. Instructions on how to get to the Turing Institute can be found here (add your own link here).


The DER symposium had two primary organisers, however it would not have been possible without the help of different collaborators. Here we discuss the steps we took to reach out to volunteers, symposium collaborators and speakers to help the event run smoothly.

Internal Teams We had several collaborators from within our organisation including:

Volunteers Volunteers were an essential part of the day, and our event would not have been successful without their help! For clear communication with volunteers, we:


For our event we choose a local, entirely vegan caterer, to align with the core values of the event. To ensure successful ordering and delivery of the catering on the day we:

Tip: make sure terms and conditions are read and timing requirements from different parties involved are clear from the beginning. It might be that the caterer you are ordering from requires a purchase order to be completed at a certain time to complete the order action.

Hosting the Event

There is already a chapter on Organising a Conference which includes an in-depth dive into requirements for accessibility. Likewise, there is also a section for Communicating Accessibly. As well as on Guidelines for Hybrid Collaboration.

From our experience, here are some extra tips on the day of the event.

Starting the Event

Hybrid Event Tips

We chose to host the symposium in a hybrid format as this would allow attendance for those interested in the topic, and speakers who would be unable to attend in person.

There are a lot of tasks involved in running a hybrid event. Thanks to good communication with volunteers and preparing the room before the event, our hybrid format ran successfully without hiccups. Here we share some tips that helped us!

To ensure a smooth hybrid event, we:


Below we provide some insight into what was important for us to consider during the event.

Code of Conduct We put together a code of conduct for the event that reflected our values and the values of the community we aimed to create during the symposium. It also summarised the expectations of participants joining the symposium and laid out reporting guidelines and contact points for if the code of conduct was breached during the event.

Please find our code of conduct here.

Additionally, overall, below we highlight some points that we actioned to ensure that the hybrid format and the event were accessible:

Hosting a Workshop: Data Hazards

The Data Hazards workshop was a key part of the symposium. Participants engaged with a real-life research case study, presented by the researchers themselves, to evaluate the Data Hazards labels and which ones may apply. The researcher gave a five-minute presentation on whole-cell models of E. coli. Participants could then ask the researcher only factual questions about the project, for example, ‘where did you collect your data from?’. There were opportunities for attendees, volunteers and the researcher to discuss the ethical context of the project. We split the attendees into smaller groups to facilitate discussion and provide a series of prompt questions. Each group then labelled the research project with the hazards they thought applied. These were then fed back to the researcher for broader group discussions. Details of the workshop run on the day are available in the GitHub Repository.

Post Event

Once the event had finished we collected feedback from participants. Below we provide information on how we did this.

Feedback Forms

To cover all avenues for feedback after the event we:

Feedback is really invaluable to ensure that future organisers can learn from previous events. In our case, this was our first symposium, so feedback from participants was really important! Here we provide some feedback we were given after the event.

Positive Feedback:

Constructive Feedback:

GitHub Repository

To embody the topics of reproducibility and open science, we have shared symposium content on a public GitHub repository. The aim of this is to help anyone who wants to run a workshop or symposium in the future consider the different elements of event organisation and hosting.

Find our full GitHub repository, including recordings of speakers, code of conduct, and forms here.


As this was the first event (on this scale!) that we had organised, there were several challenges that popped up throughout the process.

The primary challenge was understanding the number of hours required to organise an event. This event took over 50 hours of organisational time over a period of three months, from requesting funding, form writing, code of conduct, creating the event page, advertisement, organising catering and so on. If this is the first time you are organising an event, different tasks may take longer than expected to complete. We would recommend you establish a large organising committee of passionate people, to work together and split tasks efficiently.
It is also important to recognise the boundaries and constraints of how long you are willing to spend organising an event. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good! This also taught us that organising an event will always take longer than you expect, so plan accordingly!


After the event, we realised that it is important to understand your organisation’s guidelines and frameworks for hosting events, what support they can offer you, and reach out to ask for help where you need it.

In our experience organising and hosting an event was both stressful and fun!

Hosting a hybrid event was challenging and required extra organisation and volunteers. But after all the effort we put into it, it ran smoothly and we were very proud to have both online and in-person attendance.

We also recognise the importance of self reflection throughout the process of organising an event, and how our lived experiences gave us a particular lens on how we view the world. So ensuring we collaborated with others, and took on different points of view ensured a responsible, inclusive, and fair event!